Newton shoes update

So, I have been running/racing in the my Newton’s for about 4 months now. I think I have about 85 miles on the racers and about 150 miles on the trail shoes. I definitely prefer the racers since they are softer. The trail shoes are stiffer and a little wide for my foot (I wear a thicker sock when I run in then and all is ok). I want to buy a pair of their guidance trainers to see if they have a little softer feel. The trail shoes are great on the trail, on the treadmill and on on shorter runs (less than 10 miles). I will continue to update on these shoes and see how long they last. So far, so good! If only they made a track racing spike with the same technology……

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2 Responses to Newton shoes update

  1. Robert E. Lee says:

    Hey Tim!
    Keep up this blog!!!!
    It’s great..Hey were those Newtons named after Joe Newton the high school coach?
    I tried to write on Frank Dunn’s site but it’s impossible to leave a comment unless your a member of a blog or something…
    Keep up the great work..I found out that training shoes last alot longer than I used to train in them..
    Since my wife was diagnosed with brain cancer, I put all of my money in trips to MD Anderson in Houston BUT every time I get a quarter for change I ut it in a coffee can for a pair of training shoed from INDYCO.
    I’m almost due now.
    it’s great to hit the racing circuit again, but after averaging 60 a week for 30 years, i can barely now get in 30 a week!
    Injuries glioblastoma have taken up the time..
    Joe Newton..when I brought his training philosophies to Bedford Indiana, I was trated like some kind of monster in the high school parent world-ha!
    Good blog though keep writing please you and Frank and well, I remember the Scott Breeden guy I think…..He’s training great too!

  2. Robert E. Lee says:

    Hey Tim, your doing a great job this year!!!! Keep up the great work and this blog too!

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